
A wealth of workshops throughout the festival to engage and expand your mind, body and soul.

Workshop Host Date Time
Elder Futhark Rune Workshop Jon Rigby Thur 7/25 10:30am - 11:30am
Writing on Earth Ana Christina Thur 7/25 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Pneumageia Arun Joseph Ragan Fri 7/26 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Body Temple Dance: Wild Earth Magic Sarah Rayne Sat 7/27 10:30am - 11:30am
Qigong Kat Brady Sun 7/28 10:30am - 11:30am
Fungi Singing Ayla Realta Sat 7/27 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Tuvan Throat Singing Enrique Ugalde Sun 7/28 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Elder Futhark Rune Workshop

Jon Rigby

The Elder Futhark rune row is traditionally arranged into a circle, as we can see preserved on a few carved standing rune stones in Sweden from the period, and the names of the runes have been preserved along with several lines of cryptic poetry about each one. We will use these clues, and the scarce historical documents available, those being the Elder Eddas and the Younger Eddas, as sources as we travel around the rune circle, considering each rune in detail, learning its name, and along the way discover several Old Norse stories from the Eddas, and learn some history about the way this alphabet developed over time. We will leave with a much better understanding of the small pouch of runes that we started with. (Thursday 10:30am - 11:30am)


Writing on Earth

Ana Christina

This is a group workshop to connect to ourselves and the world around us through language. We explore writing as a powerful medium that blurs the lines between our inner and outer worlds, and as a way to inquire, play, and share the process of our lives on Earth. It is a workshop with an emphasis on creating in community. No writing experience is required. In a 1 hour session we will explore automatic writing as a way to express ourselves and connect with the historical site, the nature and the people attending Lúnasa Cascadia. The workshop will consist of 3 timed writing exercises followed by sharing. (Thursday 12:00pm - 1:00pm)



Arun Joseph Ragan

Arún Joseph Ragan presents a method of breath and voice praxis inspired by PGM XIII, the thirteenth GrecoEgyptian Magical Papyrus. The purpose of this practice is to induce creative inspiration through ritual use of breath, voice, and directional motion. Using the set of relationships between the Seven Sacred Planets, the Seven Directions and the Seven Greek Vowels, you will learn a simple approach to composing your own magical chants, gestures and choreography to induce Enthusiasmos, spiritual inspiration. The artwork resulting from the last three years of using this technique to attain inspired states will be used to illustrate and demonstrate its theory and praxis during an esoteric show-and-tell. (Friday 12:00pm - 1:00pm)


Body Temple Dance: Wild Earth Magic

Sarah Rayne

Suggested Donation: $5 - $22

Body Temple Dance is a somatic and spiritual movement language that combines dance, therapeutic somatic movement, mystical teachings, energetic awareness, and modern trauma healing technology to support people in feeling their feelings, experiencing presence, exploring sensations in their bodies, and awakening to the inherent aliveness that comes with being human. For this special Lúnasa class, we will be exploring the theme of Wild Earth Magic. Class will begin with a teaching & exploration of our connection to the earth magic within and around us, and the innate wildness within ourselves. We will then move to a specially curated playlist, to explore this theme through the language of our bodies and felt sensations. The active movement portion will be about 30 minutes, and is accessible and open to all bodies & levels of ability - no experience or skill in dance is necessary. We will close our movement practice with time to rest + restore, ending with a sweet group medicine song chant, to attune us to the medicine + vibrations of the earth. Finally, we will close with an (optional) group discussion to share how we are feeling & what we experienced during class. (Saturday 10:30am - 11:30am)



Kat Brady

Qigong is an ancient practice from China imbued with the intention to connect to and heal our bodies through movement, meditation, visualization, breath work, mantra, and self-massage. Dr. Kat Brady, LAc. brings their Qigong practice to life by blending in Chinese medical and Daoist wisdom. They aim to support each student in understanding their place as the connection between heaven and earth. In Chinese traditions, late Summer belongs to the pivoting energy of the Earth as we transition from the exuberant Fire of Summer to the descending Metal energy of Autumn. This practice will help us to connect to these shifting energies as we celebrate the vibrancy of Summer, and then ground into the Earth. (Sunday 10:30am - 11:30am)


Fungi Singing

Ayla Realta

Come practice somatic mycology: learn unique and wild vocal exercises and channel songs of the fungi. The medicinal species Red Belted Polypore, with its firey and assertive Mars planetary association, will be sung for Lunasa. Together we will imbibe in Red Belted Conk medicinal tincture, learn about its qualities and behavior, and invite it to sing us. Singing with fungi allows us to move in a natural, sustainable way through vocal blockages. Ruled by the moon, fungi represent the dark feminine qualities of death and rebirth, decomposition, renewed cycles, and strengthens the immunity of forests. Practicing these intimate and embodied human-fungal relationships help us integrate, connect and heal. (Saturday 12:00pm - 1:00pm)


Tuvan Throat Singing

Enrique Ugalde

In this class, learn the three main techniques of Tuvan style throat singing: Kargyraa, Khöömei & Sygyt:

  • Understand the history behind Tuvan culture & throat singing.

  • Focus on the mechanics and theory of overtone singing.

  • Sing ancient traditional songs & melodies passed down through centuries from master to student.

  • Explore the language of this beautiful and endangered culture.


(Sunday 12:00pm - 1:00pm)