Frequently Asked Questions

What is Lúnasa?

On the Wheel of the Year, Lúnasa is the mid-point between the summer solstice and the Fall Equinox. It is at this time that we've spent much of our resources to plant our seeds and bring them up, but as they are not all ready for harvest, everybody's resources are in short supply. Therefore we pool our resources, gather together in an uplifting way and help each other over the hump into harvest season. We feel the strength in numbers and are reminded that we're not alone and that our tribe is stronger with the sum of its parts.

Can I bring my pets?

Please do not bring pets to the festival, Dundee Lodge has a thriving community of chickens, cats and other feathery and furry creatures.

Are kids welcome?

This is an all ages event - your family is welcome! Attendees 17 and under get in FREE - minors may be asked to verify age, and MUST be accompanied by an adult.

What is ADA accessibility like for this event?

We have a limited number of camping spaces reserved for alter-abled attendees; please contact us if you need specific accommodations.

Are bonfires/campfires allowed?

This area at this time of year is highly fire sensitive. In fact, the original lodge once fell victim to a fire! As stewards to this land, we must honor and be careful with every flame. There will be a single central ritual bonfire in the meadow. Lúnasa Cascadia staff will be continuously tending that fire; individual bonfires and campfires are not allowed. Small camping stoves may be permitted with proper caution (subject to change depending on local wildfire advisory). However, we strongly encourage the use of our communal kitchen!

Poison Oak Advisory

There is poison oak on the grounds. The stewards of this land try their best to manage the amount of poison oak that's within touchable range and there will be signs present that will help you identify what it looks like so you can avoid it - but Poison Oak is a sneaky allie, so please come prepared. The med tent will have some stuff to help if you've forgotten, but be sure to include some remedies in your first aid kit. Tarps may be a good defense, and watch out when hiking in the woods. . 

Can anyone use the communal kitchen?

Yes! It's a communal kitchen for use by all attendees, volunteers, and performers. Not only do we want you to feel that you are a part of our community, but wildfires are a very real concern. We're hoping that by providing this communal kitchen in a designated fire-safe zone, we are reducing the chances that accidents can happen. Bring food to share!

Will there be food for sale?

There will be limited food options for purchase at the bar. We are still taking applications for food carts and vendors!

Plan Your Camping Experience

There will be many spots for both car/van camping as well as tent camping.

Items to consider bringing:

a magnificent shelter of ostentatious proportions

cute festival outfits & maybe a swimsuit if you plan on making a trip to the nearby lake

food for yourself and the masses

Water is Life!

an emotional support demon

the portos will be stocked, but bring your own TP just in case

Water is still Life! … drink more

respect what lives here: plants, trees, insects and animals, we are guests in their home

make friends with the Poison Oak, from a distance, she lives here too

headlamps are good, but blinding people is a dick move

make note of the location of the first aid tent when you arrive in case needs arise

we are not trying to deafen you, and the volume will be reasonable, but earplugs are encouraged if you are sensitive

bring a journal to record the details of your life-altering experience!

we anticipate it staying dry, but nature has a way of surprising us

prepare for all weather possibilities

when you arrive, have your space set ~ meet people and take care of each other!

Still have questions not answered above?

Reach out to us via email ::